Many thanks to the Committee for the invitation to judge at this friendly, well run open Show. Unfortunately the ring size was a little small and the floor very slippy, for the big moving dogs I was judging. This affected the movement of all the dogs, who were unable to stride out without slipping, especially on corners, which arrived only too quickly.
Graduate (4,3)
1st & BOB Grimshaw & Grimshaw’s Hyndsight Long Cool Woman to Jamalison. Well balanced, super typy feminine bitch. Lovely head and expression. Long neck into well laid shoulders and excellent topline. Good depth of chest and tuck up. Nice tight feet. Would just prefer a little more width all through. Moved well and with freedom in profile. So sorry her owners couldn’t stay for the group.
Open (2,1)
1st Grimshaw & Grimshaw’s Greyflax The Jazz Singer to Jamalison. Super quality, balanced, typy 4 yr old dog in his prime. Masculine but not coarse with excellent bone. Good head and expression, muscular neck to well constructed forequarters. Excellent forechest with good fill in and depth of brisket. Well angulated fore and aft. Straight front with broad elbows set well under. Super top and underlines. Arched loin leading to drooping, well muscled, hindquarters with well let down hocks. Such a pity this lovely boy was so very upset by the surface of the ring that he was unable to move. BOB consequently went to his very worthy kennel mate.
Jo Beckett-Hughes